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Climate Activists Target Iconic Painting

Just Stop Oil Activists Throw Soup Over Van Gogh's 'Sunflowers'

Climate Activists Target Iconic Painting

Environmental Protest Raises Eyebrows

London, UK - Two climate activists from the group Just Stop Oil have drawn global attention after throwing tomato soup over Vincent Van Gogh's iconic painting "Sunflowers" at the National Gallery in London. The incident occurred on June 30, 2023, and was captured on video.

The activists, Louis and Phoebe, wearing Just Stop Oil T-shirts, were seen approaching the painting before opening tins of soup and hurling the contents onto the artwork. The incident shocked onlookers and sparked a debate about the effectiveness of such protests.

Just Stop Oil is a group that advocates for an immediate halt to all new fossil fuel projects. The group has previously staged other high-profile protests, including blocking oil terminals and roads.

The National Gallery condemned the attack, stating that it put the painting at risk and caused significant disruption to visitors. The gallery staff immediately removed the soup from the painting, which sustained no permanent damage.

The incident has sparked a wide range of reactions, with some praising the activists' commitment to raising awareness about climate change, while others criticized the damage to the artwork.
